How to set the Weatec Portal as Default Browser

Setting the Weatec Portal as the default browser on prevent flags from accidentally trying to open a link on a phone. 

See the step by step documentation below or watch this short instructional video.

Setting your Default Browser App

Android 8 (Oreo) or 9

  1. Tap the menu button (either below the screen on some devices or at the top-right corner of the browser), then Settings (you may need to tap More first).

2. Tap advanced and then default apps.

3. Tap Browser app and select Weatec Portal from the available browsers.         

You are all set!

Older versions of Android

Step 1: Clear the current browser that opens links

  1. Open the Settings application and tap on Apps. (On some versions of Android this button is labeled “Applications” and you may have to tap on Manage applications before the next step.)

    2. Tap on the All tab.

    1. Tap on the All tab.
    2. Tap on the current browser that opens links. This is usually the default browser which is called “Browser” or “Internet”.
    3. Tap on Clear defaults to prevent this browser from opening links by default. If “Clear defaults” is greyed out, then either you have not installed another browser or you have installed another browser like Opera and it is set to be the default browser. If you have installed another browser, go back to the previous step and repeat with the default browser.

    Step 2: Set Weatec Portal to be the default browser for opening links

    1. Open a link in an Android application like the Mail application.
    2. Tap on Weatec Portal and then tap on Always.
