- Android
Getting Google flags from accidental long-presses. For those who leave the Google Voice assistant unblocked on Android in order to use voice recognition for composing text messages, etc, we...
- Android
Samsung Free and Briefing are news apps that Samsung installs from factory. Samsung Free is a newer version of Briefing. Most Samsung phones have one or the other preinstalled....
- Android
Here is how to change you default keyboard. Some keyboards will flag became they have access to media content from the internet. Follow this video tutorial on how to...
- Android
Having problems with random Samsung internet flags? Here is a short video showing how to disable notifications.
...- Android
Getting flags for unmonitored usage? Your device’s battery saver may be the culprit, here is a step by step video showing how to add a battery saver exception for...
- Android
How to properly secure a device with an app blocking program. This covers how to setup device administrator and how to block the settings app.
...- Android
Getting flags for certain apps being not shared? Here is a step by step video showing how to share an app in the Ever Accountable settings.
...- Android
Setting the Weatec Portal as the default browser on prevent flags from accidentally trying to open a link on a phone. See the step by step documentation below or...
- Android
Safe Mode is a feature on the Android Operating System used to solve problems with configuration or app incompatibilities. Restarting the device in this mode will load only the...
- Android
Ever Accountable is a third-party app that Weatec uses to link devices to the accountability portal. For privacy reasons, the information reported to Weatec is kept to a minimum....
- Android
Setting up Weatec Flag Shield on your phone can help block ads in apps and reduce the number of flags your phone creates. See the below document for some options...
- iOS
Installing the device controls before using your device is the preferred method because your device will need to be reset. Any apps you had installed will need to be...
- Android
Turning off the Google Assistant Drive Mode in Google Maps can help prevent accidental flags when using Google Maps. See the below video for instructions on how to disable...
- Android
Getting accessibility flags for Ever Accountable? Here is a step by step video showing how to enable accessibility for Ever Accountable in your phone’s settings