
Phone Device Controls: No
OS Type: Network wide
Number of Users: 5-20, 20+
Ease of Setup: Simple
Usage Type: Home, Business
Management Type: Central Management

Drawbridge (formerly Security Appliance) provides content filtering by and for the plain community. Drawbridge is a gateway type filter that provides dynamic content filtering on a page by page basis. Drawbridge can also mask junk content from otherwise acceptable pages. A data connector has been developed for use on the Drawbridge that eliminates the need to install Ever Accountable on every device in the user’s network. All existing Drawbridge users need to fill out an enrollment form just like any other user. To acquire Drawbridge contact 856-974-5335 or sales@compassfoundation.io

NoteAfter testing, Drawbridge has been approved as an acceptable category-based content filter according to the requirements set forth in the Weaverland Conference Electronic Technology Usage Guidelines. Please remember that no filter can be guaranteed to filter out all objectionable content; therefore the accountability connector built into Drawbridge logs all web traffic, thus fostering brotherhood accountability. So even if objectionable content is missed by Drawbridge, the content will still trigger a flag on the accountability server. Use the Weaverland Conference template as a minimum; there is nothing preventing you from choosing stricter settings.