eMyPeople SafeSentryPro & SafeGuardPro

Phone Device Controls: No
OS Type: Windows, Network wide
Number of Users: 1-5, 5-20, 20+
Ease of Setup: Simple
Usage Type: Home, Business
Management Type: Central Management

SafeSentyPro, a web-filtering solution offered by Emypeople, can be used either through a proxy connection or on a hardware appliance. SafeGuardPro is a proxy only content filter. Both versions tested well at blocking content. Having an Anabaptist-run company behind the solution is also a plus. On the proxy server versions, the internet connection is dependent upon the proxy server, you will lose your connection to the internet if Emypeople’s proxy server goes offline.

Note: After testing, Emypeople SafeGuardPro and SafeSentryPro have been approved as acceptable content filters according to the requirements set forth in the Weaverland Conference Electronic Technology Usage Guidelines. Please remember that no filter can be guaranteed to filter out all objectionable content; therefore the Weatec Accountability Software must be installed on all devices in order to be in compliance with Weaverland Conference guidelines. The accountability software logs all web traffic, thus fostering brotherhood accountability. So even if objectionable content is missed by SafeGuardPro or SafeSentryPro, the content will still trigger a flag on the accountability server. Use the Weaverland Conference template as a minimum; there is nothing preventing you from choosing stricter settings.