Ever Accountable Setup

Sign up for Ever Accountable

Ever Accountable is a third-party app that Weatec uses for accountability. If you have current devices on the Weatec system, you should use your existing Ever Accountable account for additional devices. If you do not have an Ever Accountable account, go to the special Weatec Signup Page to get signed up. Your Ever Accountable account is paid for by Weatec. Once your Ever Accountable account is setup, install the Ever Accountable app and log in.

Installing Ever Accountable

  1. You should now have a username and password that you can use to log into https://everaccountable.com/.
  2. Go to the 'My Devices' section.
  3. Use the '+ Add Device' link and follow the link for your device type.
  4. Once installed contact your local Weatec person and let them know you have added a device.

For step by step instructions download our guide, Installing and Setting Up Ever Accountable.

Updating Ever Accountable

Additional Ever Accountable Tools

Ever Accountable also provides additional reporting that can be especially helpful for parents. See our guide, Additional Ever Accountables Tools, for more information.

Support Options

Please contact the Weatec Helpdesk if you have any problems installing or configuring Ever Accountable.